Esther Griggs


Memorial by Leti

Friend of Ms. Esther Griggs

This submission is to bring light to the murder of my friend and sister in Christ, Ms. Esther Griggs. Ms. Griggs was incarcerated for 27 years, and held her head high every day. She lived her life in prison in service, in fellowship with Christ, and is a great role model as a kind person.

About 9 years ago the Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) doctors told Ms. Griggs she had to lose weight and every day she hit the prison yard track with her walker. I remember being so impressed with her will to live, despite being in prison. I watched Ms. Esther treat people with kindness, practice patience, and live her life with integrity. Her example was truly a stepping stone for me as a new lifer; I knew that she had many characteristics that I desire to acquire.

On January 14, 2021, CDCR placed a Covid positive person into the cell next door to Ms. Grigg’s cell. These cells were already housing above six people during a Covid pandemic making social distancing impossible. On January 20th Ms. Esther became ill and was taken to an isolation unit. Although Ms. Esther took the precautions she could to keep herself safe, like hand washing, cleaning her area, making herself a mask, and social distancing herself as much as possible—six feet in a cell with 8 people again makes social distancing impossible—due to CDCR’s mismanagement of this pandemic, she contracted and tested positive for Covid 19.

On March 9, 2021, at the age of 67, Ms. Esther died from Covid 19 and CDCR’s blatant disregard for human-inmate life. CDCR displayed reckless indifference toward Ms. Esther’s safety, health, and life. And CDCR continues to disregard our grief, fears, health, and safety. One of my main questions is why would CDCR put “resolved” cases into a building that houses approximately 50% elderly and medically vulnerable?

Ms. Esther is truly missed. Everything reminds me of her and I promise to carry on her memory.

Esther Griggs passed away on March 9, 2021, due to complications from COVID-19. She was a supportive and kind presence in the Central California Women’s Facility, where she lived for 27 years.

At the time of her passing, Esther was honored by her many friends both inside and outside CCWF. On March 14, 2021, the Honor Lives Lost weekly vigil in California remembered Esther and spoke the words of those who knew her on the inside. Among them was G. Esteban, who told advocates, “Esther is someone I will truly miss everyday and always be grateful she befriended me in this harsh and hostile environment. It still doesn’t feel like she is gone.”

We mourn the loss of Esther Griggs, and our hearts go out to her family and friends. She will be missed.


This part of the memorial was written by MOL team member Kirsten Pickering, from the Honor Lives Lost online vigil, a post by the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, and the Honor Lives Lost Online Altar.


Anthony Cheek


Robert Simpson